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How to rip DVD to MPEG? How to rip DVD to AVI? Where to find a best DVD Ripper software? Where to find a powerful DVD to MPEG Ripper? And where to find a professional DVD to AVI Ripper? With 321Soft DVD Ripper software with the functions of ripping DVD to AVI and DVD to MPEG, it will not be a question. This DVD Ripper software can help you convert DVD Movie to MPEG, AVI, VCD, SVCD on-the-fly with excellent video/audio quality and high ripping speed.
Hope this article will be helpful for you.
DVD Ripper software Introduction
Convert DVD Movie to MPEG, AVI, VCD, SVCD on-the-fly with excellent video/audio quality and high ripping speed. Support different zoom modes: Letter Box, Medium, Pan Scan, Full Screen. Ripping by chapters or clips; splitting output video; and more. Open DVD by folder or files of VOB or IFO. 321Soft DVD Ripper can convert DVD Movie to MPEG, AVI, VCD, SVCD with good quality and high speed. 321Soft DVD Ripper supports ripping by several methods. Convert DVD to MPG, Convert DVD to AVI, Convert DVD to VCD Image Convert DVD to SVCD Image , Convert DVD to MPEG-1, MPEG-2 321Soft DVD Ripper supports choosing different language audio and subtitles before converting. And it also support choices between NTSC and PAL settings. 321Soft DVD Ripper supports different output video zoom mode or resizing the output video. According to your original DVD disc's properties, you may switch among four modes Letter Box, Medium, Pan Scan, Full screen to get the best video size for converting. And you may also select to resize the output video and enter a width and height for the output video manually. In the main window, it supports playing and previewing your DVD movie with accurate control. 321Soft DVD Ripper supports ripping by several methods: a whole disc, selected charpters, or a clip with start/end points, this way allows you extract any part in a DVD to an MPEG or AVI video file.
Key Features of 321Soft DVD Ripper include :
Convert DVD to MPEG, AVI, VCD, SVCD Open DVD by Drive or Folder Open DVD by Files including *.VOB or *.IFO Preview DVD before ripping, the preview window can be controlled and maximized Support different ZOOM mode including: Letter Box, Medium, Pan Scan, Full Screen Support customizing and resizing output video size If output to AVI, support different AVI codecs available on your PC. If output to MPEG, support MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 with customizable parameters. Support converting whole disc, selected chapters, or a clip.
DVD Ripper software: How to rip DVD to AVI and DVD to MPEG?
Step 1: Free download the DVD Ripper software and run it.
Step 2: Launch it and the interface is as follows:
Step 3: Click Open DVD Folder button to load DVD:
Step 4: Click Enter File to choose output path:
Step 5: Choose an output format, such as MPEG or AVI:
Step 6: Click Convert button to start to rip DVD to MPEG or DVD to AVI:
What a powerful DVD Ripper software? Just free download the DVD to MPEG Ripper and DVD to AVI Ripper to rip DVD to MPEG and DVD to AVI.
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